Friday 7 September 2012

APPSC Material: Group -I Mains Paper 4

What are the aims and objectives of technology Statement 1983 ?

The basic objectives of the Technology Policy -1983 will be the development of indigenous technology and efficient absorption and adaptation of imported technology appropriate to national priorities and resources. Its aims are to:

a) attain technological competence and self-reliance, to reduce vulnerability, particularly in strategic and critical areas, making the maximum use of indigenous resources; 

b) provide the maximum gainful and satisfying employment to all strata of society, with emphasis on the employment of women and weaker sections of society; 

c) use traditional skills and capabilities, making them commercially competitive; 

d) ensure the correct mix between mass production technologies and production by the masses; 

e) ensure maximum development with minimum capital outlay; 

f) identify obsolescence of technology in use and arrange for modernization of both equipment and technology; 

g) develop technologies which are internationally competitive, particularly those with export potential; 

h) improve production speedily through greater efficiency and fuller utilization of existing capabilities, and enhance the quality and reliability of performance and output; 

i) reduce demands on energy, particularly energy from non-renewable sources; 

j) ensure harmony with the environment, preserve the ecological balance and improve the quality of the habitat; and 

k) recycle waste material and make full utilization of by-products.

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