Monday, 22 October 2012

AP Economy Bits: AP-Socio Economic Survey 2011-12 : Poverty

Poverty is a state where a person finds it unable to maintain a minimum socially accepted level of standard of living.

As per the latest estimates of Planning Commission available for the year 2004-05, the poverty ratio for rural and urban areas of Andhra Pradesh were 11.20% and 28.00% respectively and that for the State as combined was 15.80%.

As per the latest estimates of Planning Commission available for the year 2004-05, the poverty ratio for rural and urban areas of All India were 28.30%, 25.70% for rural and urban areas and 27.50% for the Nation as combined.

In 2005, the Planning Commission appointed an Expert Group  under the Chairmanship of Prof. Suresh D. Tendulkar  to review alternate concepts of poverty and recommend necessary changes in the existing procedures of official estimation of poverty.The Expert Group submitted its report in November, 2009.

As per the Committee methodology, the estimates of poverty ratio for rural and urban areas of Andhra Pradesh for 2004-05 were 32.30% and 23.40% respectively and that for the State as combined was 29.90%.

As per the Committee methodology, the estimates of poverty ratio for rural and urban areas of All India during 2004-05 were 41.80%, 25.70% for rural and urban areas and 37.20% for combined.

The Planning Commission estimates as well as the recent Expert Groups estimates show that poverty level in AP has mostly been lower than the national average.

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