Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Group 1 mains paper 2 - Library Movement in Telangana

Explain the significance of Library movement in Telangana
1)    Hyderabad State like most of the native States in India was an autocracy and paid little attention to the welfare of the people.

2)    More over, the ruler being a Muslim made Urdu the language of administration and medium of instruction in educational institutions.

3)    The Government did not allow even the private institutions to impart education in the language of the people.

4)    The People of the State did not have even the elementary rights of citizenship and the conditions of the agricultural tenants were deplorable.

5)    In this suffocating atmosphere, Telugu language and culture suffered very much.

6)    At this critical juncture in 1901, Sri Kommaraju Lakshmana Rao with the co-operation of N.Venkata Ranga Rao, the Raja of Munagala and Ravi Chettu Ranga Rao, a Mansabdar of Hyderabad established “Sri Krishna Deva Raya Andhra Basha Nilayam in Hyderabad City.

7)    It was the first Telugu Library in Telangana. Subsequently the other libraries like Sri Rajaraja Andhra Basha Nilayam and Andhra Samvardhini Grandalayam were established at Hanumakonda.

8)    In 1906, Lakshmana Rao established “Vignana Chandrika Grandha Mandali” at Hyderabad to publish popular literature in Telugu in sciences and humanities and made them available at very cheaper rates.

9)    Thus the Vignana Chandrika Grandha Mandali laid the foundation for the cultural revival of Telangana and also revived cultural contacts between Andhra and Telangana regions.

10)        The Andhra Jana Sangam formed in 1921 aimed at the social, economic and cultural revival of the people of Telangana.

11)        To coordinate the activities of the different Andhra Associations in Telangana a central organisation known as Andhra Jana Kendra Sangam was formed.

12)           The library movement in Telangana co-ordinated its activities with the Kendra Jana Sangam.

13)        The Jana Sangam formed a historical research society called Lakshmana Raya Parishodaka Mandali in honour of Kommaraju Lakshmana Rao.

14)        The Library movement picked up momentum in Telangana due to the efforts of the Sangham.  These libraries later on became centers of revolution.

15)        The youth of Telangana used to gather at the libraries and discussed their problems which brought about a radical change in the mind set of those people.

16)        Most villages in Telangana established libraries and participated in the library movement.

 Thus the library movement played a significant role in the cultural revival of Telangana

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