Thursday 20 June 2013

Chemistry Material for APPSC General studies,Chemistryl for General Studies, Chemistry material for Group-1 & 2 - Ores of some important elements

 Ores of some important elements

zinc (Zn):
Zincite (ZnO),
Zinc blende or spharelite (ZnS),
 Zincspar or calamine (ZnCO3),
Willemite (Zn2SiO4).
silver (Ag):
Horn silver (AgCl),
Argentite or silver glance (Ag2S),
 Pyrargyrite or ruby silver (3Ag2S-Sb2S3),
Stromeyerite or silver copper glance {(Cu,Ag)2S}.
aluminium (Al)
Sapphire, Emerald (Al2O3)
Diaspore (Al2O3.H2O),
Bauxite (Al2O3.2H2O) (Most important ore),
Gibbsite (Al2O3.3H2O),
Cryolite (Na3AlF6) (2nd most important ore),
Alum stone {K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.4Al(OH)3},
Turquoise {AlPO4.Al(OH)3.H2O},
Felspar (KAlSi3O8).
lead or plumbum (Pb)
Galena (PbS),
Anglesite (PbSO4),
Cerussite (PbCO3),
Lanarkite (PbO.PbSO4).
magnesium (Mg):
Magnesite (MgCO3) (Chief ore),
Dolomite (MgCO3.CaCO3),
Kiesserite (MgSO4.H2O),
Epsom salt (4.7H2O),
Carnallite (KCl.MgCl2.6H2O),
Asbestos {CaMg3(SiO3)4}.
calcium (Ca):
Calcite or calcspar or Limestone (CaCO3),
Dolomite (MgCO3.CaCO3),
Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O),
 Fluorspar (CaF2),
Fluoraspatite {3Ca(PO4).CaF2},
Phosphorite {Ca3(PO4)2}.

Iron (Fe):
Magnetite (Fe3O4) (main ore),
 Haematite (Fe2O3),
Limonite (Fe2O3.3H2O),
Siderite or sepathic iron (FeCO3),
 Iron pyrites (FeS2),
Chalcopyrites (CuFeS2).
copper (Cu):
Copper pyrites (CuFeS2) (Main ore),
Melachite {CuCO3.Cu(OH)2},
Cuprite (Cu2O),
Copper glance (Cu2S) .
tin (Sn):
Cassiterite (SnO2).
mercury (Hg):
Cinnabar (HgS).
Sodium (Na):
Rock salt (NaCl) (main ore),
 Chile saltpetre (NaNO3),
Glaubers salt (Na2SO4.10H2O),
Trona (Na2CO3.2NaHCO3.3H2O),
 Natron (Na2CO3.H2O),
Tincal (Borax) (Na2B4O7.10H2O),
Cryolite (NaAlSi3O8),
Soda feldspar (NaAlSi3O8),
Feldspar (Na3AlSiO8).
Lithium (Li):
Spodumene (LiAlSi2O6,
 Lepidolite {(Li,Na,K)2Al2(SiO3)3.F(OH)}.
chromium (Cr):
Chromite (Cr2O3.FeO).

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