Reforms of
1. Financial
reforms of Salarjung-I
In order to bring about
economic stability, Salarjung-I introduced the following financial reforms.
a) In the General administration, Salarjung divided the Hyderabad
State into 5 provinces called Subas and they were further divided into 17
districts. The Subas were administrated by Subedars and the districts by
b) He abolished the tax farming system. Under this system the tax farmers
(daftardars) collected huge sums from the peasants and paid only a small amount
to Nizam. This system resulted in loss to the State, exploitation of peasants
and lack of direct contact between peasants and the State.
c) Taludars were appointed to collect land revenue from the
peasants. They were paid by the State. This gave certainty to the income of the
d) Third important financial measure was stabilization of currency.
Issuing of coins was made the monopoly of the State. Central mint was
established at Hyderabad and the district mints were abolished. Halisikka rupee
was introduced and made it as the standard currency.
As a result of above
measures, the economic position of the State was improved. He redeemed the
State jewels from mortgage and raised fresh loans at reasonable rate of
interest to clear outstanding debts.
2) Administrative reforms:
Salarjung brought drastic
changes to rotten administrative system based on Mughal administrative system. Important
changes are
Salarjung brought drastic
changes in the talukdar system. He appointed paid talukdars.
Zilabandi system was introduced.
According to this system the State of Hyderabad was divided into 5 provinces
called Subas and were further divided into 17 districts. Each district was
placed under Awal Talukdars who was assisted by Doyum and Soyum talukdars. They
made identified with present day sub collectors.
Regional revenue division
consisting of two or three districts was created. Each revenue division was
kept under Sadar Talukdar.
Revenue administration was kept under the
direct control of the State.
Reforming the administrative system reduced the corruption and
the officials were kept under the check.
3) Police
The Nizam rulers paid scant attention to police department. It
was based on Mughal tradition. There was no regular police department. In
villages patels and patwaris were in charge of law and order. In the cities
Kotwals functioned as police officers.
Salarjung introduced the following police reforms.
Police department called
Mahkama-i-Kotwali and police force called Nizamet were created. They were
appointed and paid by the State.
The posts of Superintendent
of Police (Mahtamin) and police inspectors (Amins) were created.
Regular police stations
called Chaukis were established.
Thus, a new Police system was introduced to maintain law and
order in the State of Hyderabad. As a result the incidence of crime was reduced
4) Judicial reforms:
Salarjung reformed the judicial system.
a) The court of appeal or Supreme Court, high court and the
district courts were thoroughly reformed.
b) The Supreme Court called Majils-i-Murafa was located at
Hyderabad. The high court called mahkama-i-sadar was also located at Hyderabad.
A number of judicial officers called Munisiffs and Mir-Adils were appointed in districts.
c) Civil and criminal courts were established separately.
d) A separate department of judiciary was created to coordinate the
work of civil, criminal and other courts.
5) Education and Public services
To get desired personnel to run the administrative system of the
State on sound lines, Salarjung-I paid special attention to educational system.
Realizing the importance of English education, Salarjung founded
Dar-ul-Ulm at Chaderghat in 1855, City College and Deccan Engineering College
in 1870. For the children of Nobles, the Madarasah-i-ala was founded.
The induction of a large number of outsiders into the
administration of the State later on led to friction between the locals and
nonlocals. This finally led to rise of Mulki movement.
6) Communication facilities:
Salarjung I
took sufficient care in improving commination facilities like roads and railway
lines. The prominent railway lines laid during this period are
1. Madras to Sholapur.
2. Madras to Bombay. It passed through important cities like
Wadi and Gulbarga.
3. Hyderabad to Wadi.
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