Monday 2 May 2011

classes of drugs

Class of drug
Reduce body temperature
Aspirin, paracetamol (acetaminophen)
Antipyretics cause the hypothalamus to override an increase in temperature
Taking antipyretics in empty stomach can cause ulcer
Pain relief
Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)

Some antipyretics act as analgesics as well
Some narcotics (heroin, morphine, marijuana) can also act as analgesics
Induce sedation
Barbiturates, antihistamines
*Sedatives cause sleep, poor judgement, slow reflexes
*Excessive use can cause unconsciousness and even death
Reduce possibility of infection
Boric acid, hydrogen peroxide, iodine
*Antiseptics are applied externally to living tissues.
Antiseptics also reduce body odour caused due to bacterial decomposition

They are used in breath freshners and deodorants
Kill bacteria
Penicillin, gramicidin, amoxicillin, streptomycin
An antibiotic is defined as a substance produced by a microorganism that kills other microorganisms
Antibiotics are considered life-saving drugs
Increases rate of urination
Amiloride, triamterene
Widen blood vessels
Histamine, nitric oxide
Decrease blood pressure
Increase blood flow
Narrow blood vessels
Staunch blood loss due to haemorrhage
Antihistamines, cocaine, LSD, caffeine
Increase blood pressure
Decrease blood flow

Make skin look paler because less blood reaches the skin
Cause loss of sensation
Cocaine, nitrous oxide, halothane
General anaesthetics cause a loss of consciousness
Local anaesthetics cause loss of sensation in a specific part of the body
Fungal diseases like ringworm, athlete’s foot, meningitis
Ketoconazole, benzoic acid, neem seed oil, tea tree oil
Since both fungi and human cells are eukaryotes, the possibility of side effects is higher than in anti-bacterial drugs (like antibiotics)
Inhibit growth of virus
Zedovudine, lamivudine
Unlike antibiotics, antiviral drugs do not destroy target microbes but only inhibit their growth
Designing antiviral drugs is difficult because virus use host’s cells to replicate

Some virus, like influenza and HIV, mutate rapidly which means they can be treated with antivirals only and not be prevented by vaccines

Antiretrovirals are a subclass of antivirals that treat retroviruses such as HIV

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